Protecting People, Property and Wildlife®

Since 1983

Rat Trapping

When rats find their way inside your home, they bring many destructive tendencies and substantial risk to you and your family. In the event of a rat infestation, it is crucial to remove them as soon as possible. Do it yourself traps can be bought over the counter to help eliminate rats in your home. If you act quickly, you can catch rats from chewing on your wiring and possibly infecting you and your family with dangerous diseases.

Types of Traps

There are several types of traps that offer different benefits. Examining and understanding them to allow you to use them as effectively as possible. The various types of traps include:

  • Snap Traps – The most common spring loaded trap used for instant kills and locking the body in place.
  • Glue Traps – Easy to hide because of their small size and flat shape. Often considered inhumane due to the method of suffocation.
  • Live Traps – Used for effectively capturing one or many rats via a one-way door without harming the animal in any way.

How Traps Can Help

Poisons are not recommended because they can be dangerous to young children and pets, but worse of all when a rat is poisoned you don’t have a guarantee that any rats have been killed. Furthermore, if a rat is killed, it could die in your attic or walls, resulting in a putrid smell as it decomposes. A trap, however, offers the peace of mind in knowing when the rat is caught and the job is done. When a rat is caught in a trap there is still a degree of danger; there is still a substantial risk of contracting diseases from them even when they are dead. Removal of living or dead rats should always be handled by professionals such as those at Critter Control® of Sarasota.

Assistance from the Professionals

While DIY traps can be effective, it is still vital to prevent future infestations from occurring. At Critter Control® of Sarasota, we offer sealing services to ensure that rats cannot find their way back into your home in the future. For a free consultation contact us at 941-355-9511 today.